Do you relish or recoil at the thought of a challenge? When you fail at something, do you think it reflects on you as a person or does it simply mean you need to try a different strategy? Do you feel the need to prove...

CMI mediator Jonathan T. Cooper’s article, Mediation For Claims Professionals, was featured in WP Magazine’s February 2022 issue. Jon provides tips and insights to help insurance professionals make the most out of the mediation process. He delves into recurring and challenging issues that insurance professionals...

Human behaviour is fascinating. Whether you think someone’s outlook on life and actions are related to nature or nurture, if we can better understand why we do what we do, it can help us to make better decisions - or at least know why we...

In a recent newsletter, I noted that as the calendar year was drawing to an end, we were also at the beginning of the holiday season. Many people around the world happened to be celebrating special days or periods that shared a common feature -...

I like to think of a mediation as planning a trip to Settlement-ville. Unless one or more parties are absolutely set on going to Trial-town instead, the people at a mediation are generally interested in finding a way to a mutually agreeable destination - even...

It’s been said that necessity relieves us from the embarrassment of choice. In March 2020, the emerging COVID-19 pandemic made it imperative for much of the world to stay home when at all possible – whether we wanted to or not. If mediators desired to continue...

Cooper Mediation