20 Sep Vancestock IX Has Raised Over $25,000 For Trails Youth Initiatives! Help Us Reach Our Goal?
Trails Youth Initiative and Cooper Mediation send out our heartfelt thanks for all the support of this year’s edition of Vancestock. With the complexities brought on by COVID-19, we moved the event outdoors. There is no way to be unbiased but this year’s event was, in one word, SPECIAL. The weather was wonderful, the grounds of Trails were beautiful and manicured to perfection and the music was wonderful. In addition, we have raised over $25,000 thus far!
Over 9 years, Vancestock has raised over $290,000. This has allowed for dozens of at risk inner city youth to enter the “Four Seasons, Four Years, For Life” programme – a unique, outdoor, adventure-based programme that supports youth through experiential learning, skill development, high school credits, bursaries and mentorship. Trails challenges and equips vulnerable youth to become contributing members of the community.
For those of you who attended Vancestock IX, you were treated to two fantastic performances – Sisters & Brothers [Logan, Jon and Harrison Cooper and Jess and Jacob Charendoff], and the Toronto-based headlining act, Bywater Call).
Take a look at some live streams below and the event photo gallery!
How Does Trails Help Youth and The Community – A Real-Life Example
Growing up in Toronto, Vanessa had never seen stars or fireflies. She was very quiet and kept to herself. She explains that she “didn’t know how to communicate or explain [her] mental and family issues.” Since Trails she feels that she can handle different situations knowing that once a month she will be at “a place where [she feels] accepted.” Vanessa explained to us that “because of Trails, [she is] more inclusive, [focuses] on what others want and what [she] need in situations. Trails taught [her that she can help not just herself], but to pay it forward to others in [her] community.” Read more on past participants here: https://www.trails.ca/particip
If you’d like to keep up-to-date with Trails throughout the year, click here to subscribe to their e-newsletter: https://trails.us17.list-manag
Please Consider Making a Donation, and Help More Youth Like Vanessa.
Further donations to the Vancestock IX Trails’ Fundraiser will be accepted until December 31, 2020 via the donation website (https://www.canadahelps.org/e