For parties in a dispute that are comfortable with traditional or customary mediations, our Standard Mediation method is for you. Unlike other Cooper Mediation methods, users of our Standard Mediation method are comforted by the opportunity to detail issues via opening remarks, and then can use the extended time scheduled to successfully push for resolution via conventional back and forth negotiations together with other established mediation techniques. Our experience with our Standard Mediation method shows that positive results come about through the listening skills, experiences, and deep understanding of the issues at hand that are brought to this method by Cooper Mediation.
For progressive innovative parties in a dispute who can embrace the evolution of a streamlined…shall we say 21st Century…mediation, our Mediation 2.0 can yield great results. Mediation 2.0 removes the acrimony and polarization that can derail many a mediation. Via condensed and focused opening remarks and candid, forthright discussions, and the elimination of traditional polarized monetary demands/offers at the extremes, Mediation 2.0 cuts through frustration associated with positional and distributive bargaining. Unlike normal mediations, this streamlined finessed method yields results that are genuinely embraced by users. Our experience with Mediation 2.0 shows that not only is it effective, it takes place in an environment that is simply less stressful…and when stress is removed from the equation, a more efficient and equitable resolution can be achieved.
For parties in a dispute that need an early resolution, Prediation is a front-loaded mediation method that can more readily provide resolution. Unlike normal mediations, forward-thinking parties have seen that Prediation can precede standard litigation processes and can be done with or without lawyers. Our experience with Prediation shows that it can produce earlier results, thereby benefiting clients with procedural and claims efficiencies and savings.
For parties in a dispute searching for the most efficient and timely resolution, Speediation is a laser-focused tailor-made mediation method that prioritizes speed without negatively impacting results or client satisfaction. Unlike normal mediations, Speediation allows sophisticated consumers of mediation services the opportunity to move with a purpose. Our experience with Speediation shows that cost-savings and efficiency are achieved when the parties in dispute embrace this method and, under the guidance of those at Cooper Mediation, can effectively secure resolution.
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