To book a mediation with Jonathan Cooper, please select a mediation date and time by clicking on an available or partially booked date on the calendar below.

The cost of the mediation will be divided equally between or amongst all parties unless there is an agreement otherwise e.g. mediation requested pursuant to the Insurance Act. Please advise us if there is an “agreement otherwise” so that we can amend the mediation agreement accordingly.

*Please make sure to select a time, indicated with the circle symbol (○), after the date is clicked. This applies to both full-day and half-day bookings

March 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
March 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Fully booked
Partially booked
Half day pending

Schedule a Mediation * = required.

Select a mediation date by clicking on an available or partially booked date above.

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Defence Counsel Information

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Defence Or TP Counsel Information

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Cooper Mediation