Mediation Rates
- For a two (2) party half-day mediation $900.00 (10:00 AM until 1:00 PM or 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM)
- For a two (2) party full day mediation $1,600.00 (10:00 AM until 4:00 PM)
* For each additional party $ 225.00
* For each additional hour $ 225.00
Additional Charges
The fee charged includes all preparation. The cost of facilities, catering or parking will be an additional charge. For mediations outside of the GTA, a travel charge of $75.00 per hour may apply. For travel requiring driving outside of the GTA, a kilometre charge and/or car rental fee may be applied. In circumstances where a flight is required, the actual flight cost will be charged. Any questions or concerns regarding charges should be addressed at the time of booking.
Cancellation Fees
A mediation cancelled more than 30 days of the mediation attracts no cancellation fee whatsoever.
A cancellation within 30 days but more than 7 days of the mediation will be billed as follows:
- Full day $900.00 plus HST
- Half day $450.00 plus HST
A cancellation within 7 days of the mediation will be billed as follows:
- Full day $1,200.00 plus HST
- Half day $675.00 plus HST
* If the date can be filled with another matter, no cancellation fee will be billed.
* A facility charge may also apply for cancellations, depending on the timing for cancellation and the policies of the facility.
* Any cancellation requests must be in writing.
* Cancelling and rescheduling a mediation does not eliminate the applicable cancellation fee. 25% of paid cancellation fees are applied as a credit if the mediation is rescheduled and proceeds with one of our mediators.