22 Apr Please Update Your Records With Our New Office Address, Phone Numbers, Bookings E-mail and More.
Please Update Your Records
Over the past year, we have been busy evaluating our technology, systems and processes in order to better serve our clients. While many of our upgrades will not affect our clients, please note the following changes.
We ask that you kindly update your records with the following new contact-level information, in effect on Monday, April 25th, 2022.
Office Address
We’ve physically moved office locations. Please update your records to:
Cooper Mediation Inc.
393 University Avenue, Suite 2000
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E6
Phone Numbers For Our Mediators
We’ve discontinued some of our phone lines. You can reach our mediators directly at:
Vance: (416) 346-4241
Jon: (647) 993-2667
Logan: (416) 726-1344
Bookings By E-Mail
To submit a booking by e-mail or ask us a booking-related question, please e-mail:
Bookings Over The Phone
To book a mediation over the phone or ask us a booking-related question, please contact us at (647) 525-0032.
Online Booking Process
There is no change to our online booking calendars. You may continue submitting bookings through our online calendars which are available on our website at: https://coopermediation.ca/book-a-mediation/.
Please note that we have discontinued our fax machine number. We will no longer be using this method of communication. Please e-mail or call us instead.
No longer available
Recent Staff Changes
We regret to inform you that Sandra Halkidis is no longer with Cooper Mediation. We thank Sandra for her many years of loyal service.
Our new bookings coordinator will be announced shortly and will be available on the bookings page of our website (https://
You may continue submitting bookings through our online calendars which are available on our website at: https://coopermediation.ca/book-a-mediation/. Booking inquiries can be made by e-mail (adminsupport@coopermediation.
Ensuring A Smooth Transition
We thank you for your continued support.
We are working hard to ensure a seamless transition. Please contact one of our mediators directly if you experience any service interruptions.
Please relay these new contact details to your assistant, clerk, or other colleagues.
Best regards,
Vance, Jon, Logan, and the Cooper Mediation Team
Vance Cooper
Direct Line: (416) 346-4241
E-mail: vance@coopermediation.ca
Web Profile: https://coopermediation.ca/vance-cooper/
Jonathan T. Cooper
Direct Line: (647) 993-2667
E-Mail: jon@coopermediation.ca
E-Mail: logan@coopermediation.ca
Web Profile: https://coopermediation.ca/logan-cooper/