Ontario Mediator Tag

It’s been said that there are no traffic jams on the extra mile. Putting in a little more effort in what we are doing is rarely a big sacrifice, and yet it can pay huge dividends. Consider the benefits of holding a pre-mediation caucus, for...

It’s been said that necessity relieves us from the embarrassment of choice. In March 2020, the emerging COVID-19 pandemic made it imperative for much of the world to stay home when at all possible – whether we wanted to or not. If mediators desired to continue...

Reality can be a bitter pill to swallow – especially in a law suit or arbitration when there might be large sums of money on the line.  As a mediator, giving one or more parties a dose of reality is a significant part of my job....

There’s a comic drawing making the rounds on the Internet that makes an interesting statement or observation about conflict. It shows two people, who have approached a number from different directions, beginning to argue. One observes a “6”. The other observes a “9”. The original comic...

Cooper Mediation