Vance Cooper Tag

Think back to the mid-1980s - if you’re old enough to remember them. Michael Jackson moonwalked his way into superstardom, the Breakfast Club taught kids everywhere that serving detention could give you a real education, and a fresh-faced articling student named Vance Cooper was eagerly...

Over the past 30 years working on personal injury and insurance claims - as a lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator - I have observed that settlement discussions in advance of mediation occur all too infrequently. Five factors which I believe contribute to the inability of those...

There is a common view that when mediation produces a settlement, it has been successful and, conversely, where mediation fails to produce a settlement, it has been a failure. Needless to say, mediators, us included, would prefer not to characterize a mediation which does not...

In some judicial venues in Ontario [Toronto, Windsor and Ottawa], the parties must mediate in advance of the pre-trial conference. In all other jurisdictions, mediation is optional. 1. Don’t Mediate as a Matter of Course Direct settlement negotiations should always be thoroughly considered before proceeding to mediation. Mediation...

Cooper Mediation