Vance Cooper is the principal of Cooper Mediation Inc. Vance was called to the Bar in 1985 and practiced exclusively in the areas of personal injury and insurance disputes until 2010. He represented both plaintiffs and defendants [insured and self-insured entities] and handled both tort and first party claims [statutory accident benefits, long term disability and life claims].
Vance devotes 100% of his professional time to mediating everything and anything connected to insurance [though he has also mediated commercial and self-insured matters]. This includes personal injury, property damage and subrogation, professional negligence, hospital and medical negligence, class actions among other things. He serves as an arbitrator in loss transfer and party disputes under the Insurance Act. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, a Chartered Mediator of the ADR Institute of Canada and a Certified Mediator by the International Mediation Institute. Vance is a member of the Advocates’ Society, Ontario Bar Association, Canadian Bar Association. He served as a Deputy Judge of the Toronto Small Claims Court for 10 years. He has been included in Best Lawyers in Canada in the practice area of Insurance Law.
Vance’s passions, over and above his wife and three children, are skiing, golf and a keen appreciation of music. While he has tried to play instruments [to the frustration of his parents and many music teachers over the years], he has mastered the record player, the CD player and, more recently, the iPod.
Contact Vance at: or (647) 777-4011.
Jonathan Cooper commenced work with Cooper Mediation Inc. in 2014. He has an insatiable appetite and passion for mediation. He has trained extensively with the Stitt Feld Handy Group and has attended numerous industry sponsored educational programs. He has interned extensively with a number of very experienced and well regarded mediators.
Jon devotes 100% of his professional time to mediating. He is a member of the ADR Institute of Ontario. In his free time, Jon plays all sports [being particularly fond of golf, basketball and squash] and is an avid supporter of all Toronto professional sports teams [and is a member of all of the support groups associated with the consistent failure of Toronto sports franchises over the years].
Contact Jon at: or (647) 260-1236.