Vance Cooper, Cooper Mediation


Vance Cooper is the principal of Cooper Mediation Inc. Vance was called to the Bar in 1985 and practiced exclusively in the areas of personal injury and insurance disputes until 2010. He represented both plaintiffs and defendants [insured and self-insured entities] and handled both tort and first party claims [statutory accident benefits, long term disability and life claims].

Vance devotes 100% of his professional time to mediating everything and anything connected to insurance [though he has also mediated commercial and self-insured matters]. This includes personal injury, property damage and subrogation, professional negligence, hospital and medical negligence, class actions among other things.

Until recently, Vance served as an arbitrator in loss transfer and party disputes under the Insurance Act. He is now offering his services to mediate arbitrations pending under the Insurance Act where his substantive knowledge together with his mediation skills will allow insurers to resolve these disputes on cost effective and mutually advantageous terms.

He is a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, a Chartered Mediator of the ADR Institute of Canada and a Certified Mediator by the International Mediation Institute. He has been inducted to the Ontario Chapter of the Canadian Academy of Distinguished Neutrals (CADN).

Vance’s passions, over and above his wife and three children, are skiing, golf and a keen appreciation of music. While he has tried to play instruments [to the frustration of his parents and many music teachers over the years], he has mastered the record player, the CD player and, more recently, the iPod.

Contact Vance at: or (416) 346-4241.



“A shout out to mediator extraordinaire, Vance Cooper. It is 1 pm and we have efficiently and fairly resolved today’s full day mediation … That was the most efficient mediation I have had in years. Great job Vance.” – Senior Plaintiff Lawyer

“Thanks Vance. It was always a joy working with you. You were one of my very few “A” list mediators. There’s a lot of things about practising law that I don’t miss at all, but going into a meditation involving multiple parties with seemingly no chance of a settlement and walking out 5 or 6 hours later with a closed file was always a highlight. You had a knack for pulling that off.” – Retired Senior Defence Lawyer

“It was a pleasure meeting with you today. I hope it is okay that I reach out to say thank you for your services today. In such a tense scenario with stubborn lawyers, you made me feel comfortable and that my voice was welcomed. Thank you for making the day far easier to get through.” – Plaintiff

“Vance, thanks so much for bringing this one home. I had pressed my client to agree to two full days of mediation with a top flight mediator in advance of discoveries because I thought we had a good chance of avoiding a lot of legal expense if we could resolve things before days of discoveries and massive disbursement expenses had been incurred. I was thinking at the end of our two days that it had been a bad call on my part and that I should have just ground the file out in the normal way. You have vindicated my confidence in the mediation process. It’s on these more complex multi party cases that a good mediator can make all the difference. Any roster mediator can handle a two-party stiff neck case. You proved your worth on this one.” – Senior Lawyer

“I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me get my life back today. I can’t put into words how much I appreciate the work that you and everyone else did. Thank you! It feels like a breath of fresh air. I don’t have the right words, but I truly appreciate everything.” – Plaintiff



Cooper Mediation